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hyperselina 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

A booty call is a telephone call, other communication, or visitation made with the sole intent of engaging in 
sex or other forms of sexual release with the person being contacted. Traditionally this social practice, 
especially the term "booty call", is associated with a person calling another person for a sexual encounter 
after having already established either a casual or more serious relationship involving sexual relations.

In many instances, a booty call is made when the prospect of a traditional romantic date is highly unlikely

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Publication Date:09/01/2007
Byline:PAT GAO

A homegrown magician conjures his art into a new form of popular entertainment.

In 2003, an international festival of magic was held in Singapore in a community theater. From more than 150 professional and amateur magicians registered to compete at the event, eight were selected for the finals. Winners of the two top prizes came from the United States and Japan, two countries that have strong traditions of magic performance. The second runner-up award went to P. J. Wen, a then 26-year-old Taiwanese magician.

The Singapore prize started a brilliant roll for Wen, winning major international awards for magicians in the following years. In 2004, he won the championship of a magic contest held in Beijing, the top event of its kind in the Chinese-speaking world. The next year, he became the only Asian contestant among six magicians in the final round of an annual competition held in the American casino city of Reno by the International Brotherhood of Magicians, the world's largest association of sorcerers.

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