* New Edge Kid's 原始的呼喚
New Edge:
In New Edge, represent a strong desire for modern shapes that we would like to be pure yet sensual. This modern outlook offers a radically simple, minimal aesthetics found appealing once again, updating an idea of classicism and timelessness.
代表人物: 喬喬 (于卉喬)
* Technocolor Summer Kid's 夏天就是要COLORFUL~~~~~
繽紛多彩的夏天,完全的放鬆,快樂的逃離每一天煩悶的上學日子, 就是2012春夏童裝趨勢主題之一!!!
Technicolor Summer:
This is a call for pure relaxation, cheerfulness and vacationing : a joyous escape from everyday life.
代表人物: 喬喬 (于卉喬)
* Soft Alternative Kid's 自然鄉村田園風
Start dreaming of a more gentle connection with time, of a return to a more authentic existence. Between pragmatic realism – a better qual¬ity of life, sustainable and local consumption – and fantasized idealism – the dream of a simple and fair life, of authentic values
代表人物: 喬喬 (于卉喬)
* Urban Jungle Kid's 荒野叢林風
Urban Jungle:
Urban Jungle reflects the need for a strong, daring, imposing, confident attitude to better integrate and confront the intense, everyday life of the city.
代表人物: 阿熹 / 小貝
CIFF (Copenhagen International Fashion Fair )
喬喬粉絲團 https://www.facebook.com/ciaociaorose