懂得讓我微笑的人 再沒有誰比你有天份
輕易闖進我的心門 明天的美夢你完成

整個宇宙 浩瀚無邊的盡頭 每顆渺小星球 全都繞著你走

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想了想    認識你要二年了
自從分開後    我們就沒真正的聊過天
二年後的昨天    你問起我什麼時候要出國念書
但我還是說了    你有點驚訝    或許是因為你知道出國一直以來是我的目標

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我偽裝著 不露痕跡的 想在你身邊
靜靜的陪著看著天邊 騎著單車 往前行進著
某個路口 愛著等著 你往前走 不回頭看了
記憶的笑臉 緩緩的敲著我的琴鍵 我不捨得
讓你孤單單的 我愛你的 心牽掛著 一直想跟你說

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看到你最近的照片    我知道你應該不錯吧
分開後的我們    都各自過的很好

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i really need somebody to talk with
someone who can really give me a good advice
someone who can really help my situation now
someone who really knows my feeling right now
how come future can be so complicated

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大雨過後的眼淚 掛在裝滿回憶的櫥窗
我卻不想望一望 那些心碎的形狀

記憶是一個行囊 陪伴著我到世界流浪
我讓悲傷都裝上翅膀 再見了 就不能倔強

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昨天是Lamp 的 Ladies Night    整個就是很多人
我們自己人也一大票    算不錯開心
朋友們能在一起玩    就很開心啦
喝了很多我不太喜歡的whisky cola...但林志業是笨蛋

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Cameron Diaz-Amanda
Kate Winslet-Iris

Movie trailer editor, Amanda of Los Angeles, CA and journalist Iris of Surrey, England live five thousand miles apart and have never met, but are dealing with the same problem: men. Amanda having just broken up with her cheating boyfriend, Ethan and Iris having pined for her ex, Jasper, becoming engaged to the woman he left her for decide to take a vacation during Christmas. They come upon a website called home exchange and swap houses for two weeks both with a goal to forget their troubled love lives. But love ends up finding them anyways. Amanda starts a romance with Iris' older brother, Graham, a book editor and Iris starts a romance with a movie composer named Miles. With new found romance, both their lives change forever.

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Hugh Jackman-Robert Angier
Christian Bale-Alfred Borden

A mysterious story of two magicians whose intense rivalry leads them on a life-long battle for supremacy -- full of obsession, deceit and jealousy with dangerous and deadly consequences. From the time that they first met as young magicians on the rise, Robert Angier and Alfred Borden were competitors. However, their friendly competition evolves into a bitter rivalry making them fierce enemies-for-life and consequently jeopardizing the lives of everyone around them. Set against the backdrop of turn-of-the-century London.

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Denzel Washington-Doug Carlin
Paula Patton-Claire Kuchever

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笑話    我竟然為了一個好朋友哭了
好朋友嗎    我想不是吧
錯看了你    錯看了我們的友誼

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整個很喜歡    二千八就甘願撒出去了
真的很便宜說    原價五千六

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發現我超喜歡最近的生活    特別是開始運動後
每天八點上班    趁上班的時候看一篇Guardian的News
寫下不懂的單字    用longman online dictionary查一下
五點下班    跑跑步機30分鐘    踩腳踏車30分鐘

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很妙很妙    世界真是小小小
昨晚又殺去Lamp     本來心情不太好
結果在裡頭竟然碰到明哲    超巧
也因為這樣認識他朋友    人都很nice

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