
Sex and The City 2 慾望城市2

導  演:麥克派屈克金(Michael Patrick King)

演  員:莎拉潔西卡派克、金凱特蘿、


Two years have passed since Carrie Bradshaw finally bagged John "Mr. Big" Preston, the man she was always meant to be with. Just as her friend Charlotte must deal with her young daughter's "terrible two's", Carrie must deal with her relationship taking a turn for the worse - Big likes to watch old black-and-white movies on TV and eat take-out food, which prevents Carrie from feeling like the free-wheeling party girl she used to be. Meanwhile, Miranda copes with a new boss that can't handle an intelligent, powerful woman, and Samantha works a public relations angle that gets the fashionable foursome an all-expense-paid trip to Abu Dhabi



第一集,Carrie慘遭Mr. Big 結婚臨時的Back out
好友們的力挺   陪伴著她走過最難過煎熬的日子
對於失戀過的女性朋友們   很自然的就會覺得心有同感
人非聖凡  誰無失戀
不管是男是女   總在自己失戀時  陪在身邊一起哭一起喝酒的總是自己的好哥兒們,好姐妹淘

第二集  反觀來看
比較深入了友情的層面   朋友之間除了彼此互挺之外
提醒著你what can't do or what can do...but still
不管你做了任何決定   朋友都還是會在那裡支持你 even it is a wrong decision
但這一集  我反而對carrie沒有那麼對的感觸
反而有點被Samantha touched,尤其是在club喝完酒後   Richard跟他搭訕
Samantha didn't say sex, instead reject the invitation because that's a girls' night out
完全看得出來Samatha很hold的住   並沒有因為男人而拋下姐妹
她雖然豪放   但她有義氣   在她身上看的出一個即使有了歲數但還是堅持著我就是我
我愛我自己   並不會因年齡而改變
i pretty like her personality

What more important

Men, Babies, Doesn't Matter! We are Soulmates!!!!


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